
by Adree-Ahna

I understand the doubt and hesitation one would feel when deciding to try a service that requires anyone other than yourself logging into your account. I admit I was hyper paranoid, took screenshots of each of my characters prior to my order and kept a meticulous record of everything; gear, gold, items in my bank - you name it. But after having ordered gold from Guy4Game for years without any hiccups, I decided to take the leap to a gear and mount package because I felt I had enough of a level of trust with this company and tell you what - I trust them wholly. Not only did nothing go missing or having the account stolen right from under me (as most of us would fear) but they finished it within 8 days, when I was expecting at least 3 weeks. So if you were like me, hovering over that "Buy Now" button, I say if you really want it, get it - they deliver on their promises and deliver it in an efficient manner. They'll also notify you daily whenever progression to your order has been made, which for those of us who are a bit jumpy about it all will lessen the paranoia. Now time to order one last mount before MoP comes out :).


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